Combatting the Gender Digital Divide:
Promoting Equal Access to Technology for Women and Girls
Technological resources and online spaces have become fundamentally necessary for many educational, professional, social, political, and healthcare functions, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this transition. Despite their critical nature for prosperity in the present day, globally women are 8% less likely to own a mobile phone than men, and men are 21% more likely to be online than women. Gender disparity in access to information and communication technology accompanies a divide in meaningful use as well, which is instigated by shortcomings in digital literacy education and the absence of regulation and data security in online spaces making women and girls vulnerable to discouraging dangers. Equal digital literacy education is vital for the equitable capacity of women and girls to access resources and information requiring digital skills. There is a lack of adequate universal data safeguards, and women and girls of all ages are at heightened risk for online abuse, cyberbullying, and gender-based violence resulting from manifestations of misogyny and sexism on digital platforms. This has negative implications for their social and emotional wellbeing, and can have harmful repercussions for their self-esteem and participation in leadership.
This digital divide exacerbates existing inequities in other spheres of life and restricts prospects of independence and self-determination for women and girls. The Commission on the Status of Women is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality, the rights, and the empowerment of women. Topic A of this committee is improving equal access to digital literacy education and technological infrastructure, and Topic B is creating safe digital spaces and policies to protect the data of women and girls.