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“Technology    in    the    International    Sphere”    will    explore

the weaponization of AI and its ethical implications, as well as the fine line between censorship and protection in the context of digital extremism. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) has become a rat race, with nations competing to lead the emerging technology race and the futuristic warfare battleground. Autonomous weapons systems (AWS) employing AI are rapidly being developed across many nations, and this increase in the weaponization of artificial intelligence seems to have become a highly destabilizing development. In addition, extremist groups have learned to take advantage of social media and the people who utilize these platforms. While media companies are developing technology to filter and stop the spread of extremist messages, it only takes one “low-volume, high-risk” piece of extremist content to leak through and cause disastrous impacts. In this committee, delegates shall meet to find a resolution to these topical issues and strengthen cooperation before technology expands beyond the international community’s hands.

Technology in the International Sphere


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