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Crisis: Suez Canal

The Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 is one of the most turbulent international crises in recent history. Gamal Abdel Nasser, the populist leader of Egypt, nationalized the Suez Canal, effectively cutting off British and French access to the critical water way. In this committee, delegates will represent a variety of actors that either support or oppose nationalization and will have to work together to determine how the international community will respond to Nasser's actions.


Crisis Director

Michael Dianetti is a sophomore at Tufts studying International Relations, Political Science, and History. Michael is from Cleveland, Ohio and competed heavily in the Midwestern MUN circuit in high school. He has been a part of the Tufts Model United Nations team since his first semester of freshmen year and currently serves as the Co-Fundraising Chair and the LGBTQ+ Affinity Chair. Michael is interested in international security, crisis management, and trade policy. Outside of MUN, he is an avid TV watcher, coffee drinker, and music listener. Michael is extremely excited to be crisis directing the Suez Canal Crisis committee and hopes to provide an engaging and educational environment for all delegates.

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